Results for 'Ericson Z. Matias'

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    Mine and Mine Alone. The Particularity of the Aristotelian Substance and its Relation to the Soul.Matías Leiva Rodríguez - 2024 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 42:266-287.
    In this paper, we seek to develop an analysis of the Aristotelian theory of substance, specifically of the discussion about its particularity or universality. We will first review the statement of the problem as it appears in Categories. We will then take the discussion to Metaphysics, specifically book Z, where a further developed and elaborated view of the ideas presented by the philosopher can be found compared to the Organon. From there we will review the universalist and particularist views to (...)
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    La controversia acerca de la identidad en su ingreso al ámbito de la mecánica cuántica.Olimpia Lombardi & Matías Daniel Pasqualini - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71:138-164.
    Los criterios de identidad propuestos por la metafísica tradicional debieron ser sometidos a una profunda revisión cuando entró en escena la mecánica cuántica con sus característicos sistemas indistinguibles. En este trabajo aplicamos el modelo de espacios controversiales de Oscar Nudler para analizar la controversia sobre la identidad en el ámbito de la mecánica cuántica y proponer la introducción en el debate de una ontología cuántica de propiedades sin objetos.
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  3. O psychologizmie i antypsychologizmie w uprawianiu historii filozofii.Z. Drozdowicz - 1982 - In Stefan Kaczmarek (ed.), Z dziejów refleksji nad historią filozofii. Poznań: Wydawn. Nauk. Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
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  4. (1 other version)Umetničkoto delo vo vtorata polovina na XX vek.Ivan D︠Ž︡eparoski - 1998 - Skopje: Kultura.
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  5. Afterword the minimal event: from hystericization to subjective destitution.Slavoj Žižek - 2015 - In Agon Hamza (ed.), Repeating Žižek. London: Duke University Press.
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  6. An introductory essay.Z. A. Pelczynski - 1964 - In Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.), Political writings. New York: Garland.
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  7. Subjektsgenese und Holokaust.Z. Zeman - 1996 - Synthesis Philosophica 11:171-196.
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    Teizm i filozofia analityczna.Józef Życiński - 1985 - Kraków: Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy Znak.
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  9. Il concetto di natura nella teologia in L'idea di natura.Z. Alszeghy - 1987 - Studium 83 (4-5):547-563.
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  10. The semantic-pragmatic interface and interaction in control areas.Rudolf Růžička - 1987 - In Albrecht Neubert & Rudolf Růžička (eds.), Topics on the semantic borderline. Berlin: Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Zentralinstitut für Sprachwissenschaft.
  11. Gerson concept of equity and stgerman, Christopher.Z. Rueger - 1982 - History of Political Thought 3 (1):1-30.
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  12. Autonomie und Interaktion von Syntax und Semantik.Rudolf Růžička - 1982 - In Rudolf Růžička & Wolfgang Motsch (eds.), Untersuchungen zur Semantik. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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  13. A medieval theory of felicity.Z. Kuksewicz - 1986 - Dialectics and Humanism 2:229-235.
  14. Judith Butler: Antigone's Claim. Kinship between Life and Death.Z. Matijasevic - 2003 - Synthesis Philosophica 18 (1-2):410-412.
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  15. A new view of nature.Z. Palovicova - 1997 - Filozofia 52 (7).
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  16. Dowód poszlakowy w postępowaniu karnym.Z. Papierkowski - forthcoming - Studium.
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  17. Rozwój i źródła poglądów estetycznych Libelta.Z. Kaczmarek - 1929 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 7 (2):174-193.
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  18. Narrativik und "mögliche Welten".Z. Kanyo - 1980 - In Karóly Csúri (ed.), Literary semantics and possible worlds =. Szeged [Hungary]: Auctoritate et consilio Cathedrae Comparationis Litterarum Universarum Universitatis Szegediensis de Attila József nominatae edita.
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  19. Exploration oculomotrice du Réveille-Matin de Fernand Léger.Z. Kapoula, G. Daunys, O. Herbez & M. Menu - 2002 - Techne 15:83-92.
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  20. ST in ST. La signification de la contradiction dialectique dans la biologie contemporaine.Z. Kiczkova - 1985 - Filozofia 40 (2):189-199.
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  21. On some contradictions of the dialectics of restructuring and acceleration of socialism.Z. Kostal - 1989 - Filosoficky Casopis 37 (2):260-274.
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  22. Rachman, S. & Maser, JD (Eds)(1988). Panic: Psychological perspectives.Z. Kovecses - 1988 - Cognition and Emotion 4:360.
  23. Human-needs and social activity.Z. Munzlinger - 1983 - Filosoficky Casopis 31 (5):737-754.
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  24. Ethics in liberation theology.Z. Ngwane - 1994 - In Charles Villa-Vicencio & John W. De Gruchy (eds.), Doing ethics in context: South African perspectives. Cape Town: D. Philip.
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  25. Summary of'Max Weber and Rational Choice'.Z. Norkus - 2002 - History and Theory 41 (1):89-89.
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    La metodología utilizada en la búsqueda de la definición de virtud en Ética nicomáquea II de Aristóteles.Manuel Berrón & Matías Kogel - 2022 - Tópicos 43:17-46.
    El objetivo del trabajo consiste en realizar una lectura pormenorizada de Ética nicomáquea II con el propósito de esclarecer cuál es la metodología que utilizó en su escritura el Estagirita. En el marco de la polémica acerca de si sus escritos son de carácter dialéctico, tal como opinó la visión preponderante desde los años 1960, o si respetan los lineamientos metodológicos de los Segundos Analíticos, defendemos una interpretación integracionista que contempla la presencia de aspectos de la dialéctica así como del (...)
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    Juegos de lenguaje y teoría crítica. Sobre la recepción de Wittgenstein en el pensamiento de Albrecht Wellmer.Gustavo Matías Robles - 2017 - Tópicos 34:75-94.
    This paper sketch out an account of Albrecht Wellmer's reception of the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein. What Albrecht Wellmer looks for in Wittgenstein is the possibility to answer the problem of the theoretical place of the criticism and the skills to argue with Adorno´s messianic utopianism and Jürgen Habermas and Karl Otto Apel´s idealizations and formalisms. Thereby the paper will show that Wittgenstein's philosophical-linguistic criticism enables Wellmer to recover the mundane ground for a skeptical critical theory of any foundationalisms.
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    Św. Tomasz z Akwinu: dysputy problemowe o prawdzie = S. Thomae Aquinatis: Quaestiones disputatae de veritate.Tomasz Z. Akwinu - 1999 - Lublin: Red. Wydawnictw Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego. Edited by Aleksander Białek & Andrzej Maryniarczyk.
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    The Later Works of John Dewey, Volume 16, 1925 - 1953: 1949 - 1952, Essays, Typescripts, and Knowing and the Known.John Dewey & T. Z. Lavine - 1991 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    Typescripts, essays, and an authoritative edition of Knowing and the known, Dewey's collaborative work with Arthur F. Bentley. In an illuminating Introduction T. Z. Lavine defines the collaboration's three goals-the construction of a new language for behavioral inquiry, a critique of formal logicians, in defense of Dewey's Logic, and a critique of logical positivism. In Dewey's words: Largely due to Bentley, I've finally got the nerve inside of me to do what I should have done years ago. What is it (...)
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    Political affiliation moderates subjective interpretations of COVID-19 graphs.Ja-Nae Duane, William S. Albert & Jonathan D. Ericson - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    We examined the relationship between political affiliation, perceptual estimates, and subjective judgements of disease prevalence and mortality across three chart types. An online survey exposed separate groups of participants to charts displaying COVID-19 data or COVID-19 data labeled ‘Influenza ’. Block 1 examined responses to cross-sectional mortality data ; results revealed that perceptual estimates comparing mortality in two countries were similar across political affiliations and chart types, while subjective judgements revealed a disease x political party interaction. Although Democrats and Republicans (...)
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    Le felsefey siruştewe berew felsefey zanist =.Ḧemîd ʻEzîz - 2019 - Hewlêr [Kurdistan, Iraq]: Nawendî Awêr bo Çap u Biławkirdinewe.
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  32. Jamāl-i ḥusn va niẓām-i aḥsan: majmūʻah-i maqālāt-i falsafī darbārah-yi "masʼalah-yi sharr dar umūr-i ʻāmmah-i falsafah-yi Islāmī", "Nawʹāvarīʹhā-yi falāsifah-yi Islāmī dar pāsukh bih shubhah-yi sharr dar ilahīyāt" va-"Niẓām-i aḥsan".Nafīsah Fayyāz̤ Bakhsh - 2006 - Tihrān: Shirkat-i Intishārāt-i Iḥyāʼ-i Kitāb.
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    Chelovecheskai︠a︡ dukhovnostʹ: bytie i t︠s︡ennosti.Z. V. Fomina - 1997 - Saratov: Izdatelʹstvo Saratovskiĭ universiteta. Edited by V. N. Gasilin.
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  34. Istorii︠a︡ azerbaĭdzhanskoĭ filosofii.Z. A. Kulizade (ed.) - 2002 - Baku: Ėlm.
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  35. Porque é que todos gostamos tanto de odiar Haider.Slavoj Žižek - 2010 - In Bruno Pexe Dias & José Neves (eds.), A política dos muitos: povo, classes e multidão. Lisboa: Ediçoes Tinta-da-China.
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    U odbranu izgubljenih stvari.Slavoj Žižek - 2011 - Novi Sad: Akademska knjiga. Edited by Emina Peruničić.
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  37. La matematización galileana de la naturaleza según Husserl.Matías Osta-Vélez - 2017 - In La Filosofía y su Enseñanza. Montevideo: ANEP.
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    Teoria praktyki: Kieślowski, Łoziński, Wiszniewski, Królikiewicz, Żebrowski.Krzysztof Kieślowski, Marcel Łoziński, Wojciech Wiszniewski, Grzegorz Królikiewicz, Edward Żebrowski, Katarzyna Mąka-Malatyńska & Olaf Krzemiński (eds.) - 2020 - Łódź: Lodz Film School.
    The Lodz Film School has existed since 1948.... In the year of the school's jubilee, we decided to publish five selected MA theses written by Direction Department graduates. Three of th theses, written by Krzysztof Kieślowski, Marcel Łoziński and Wojciech Wiszniewski, concern documentary film, whereas the two remainingones written by Grzegorz Królikiewicz and Edward Żebrowski refer to fiction films.... Their authors, excellent Polish film-makers, presented their auteurs' concept they had at the beginning of their artistic careers which were carried out (...)
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    My Favorite Classics.Žižek Slavoj - 2017 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 11 (3).
    “Let me begin with the standard stupid question: if I were allowed to take only one piece of music to a lone island, which one this would be? [...]”.
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    Conducting research on academic dishonesty.D. R. Forsyth & Z. Rubin - 2001 - Ethics and Behavior 11 (3):356.
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  41. Salute to India.J. Z. Hodge - unknown
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    Replacing Mythos by Logos: An Analysis of Conditions and Possibilities in the Light of Information-Thermodynamic Principles of Social Synergetics and of Their Normative Implications.J. Z. Hubert - 2005 - Dialogue and Universalism 15 (1-2):93-104.
    Religions, ideologies try to give a complete vision of the world a vision containing both its origin, explanation and a “normative kit”: a collection of precepts and rules, which should regulate human activities and behavior. Their synergetic meaning is clear: if embraced by all they allow for development of strong synergetic effects on the social macro scales. These in turn may lead to creation of order and beauty, of intellectual, spiritual and moral development within men and in society. In this (...)
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    XX saukunis kʻartʻuli pʻilosopʻiis antologia.N. Z. Chavchavadze, G. Tʻevzaże & Eduard Kodua (eds.) - 1998 - Tʻbilisi: Tʻbilisis universitetis gamomcʻemloba.
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  44. Aristotle's concept of the state.Olivera Z. Mijuskovic - 2017 - SOCRATES 4 (4):13-20.
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  45. Ethics and advertising.John Z. Miller - forthcoming - Business Ethics.
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    An Overall View Of Bio Ethics Practices In Our Day To Day Life And It`S Remedies.Z. U. Ahmed - 2012 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 1 (3):52-57.
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  47. Les sources herméneutiques de l'esthétique de la réception.Z. Kalnicka - 1989 - Filozofia 44 (1):93-101.
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    Genocide Done By Armenians İn Bitlis And Role Of Western Countries On Genocide.Yılmaz Karadeni̇z - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:1405-1420.
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    al-Mutakhayyal al-muqaddas: al-mafhūm wa-al-tamthīl wa-al-muʼassasah.Muḥammad Karīm Kawwāz - 2023 - al-Qāhirah: Dār Ruʼyah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  50. The theory of relativity and its impact on philosophical thought in Slovakia.Z. Palovicova - 1996 - Filozofia 51 (10):707-714.
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